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Grow PNG offers a range of opportunities for collaboration and partnership, including establishing sustainable agricultural growth corridors in the Markham and Ramu Valley regions. Join efforts to enhance incomes, climate resilience, and adaptation for smallholder farmer households while creating an inclusive environment for small businesses. Engage with the multi-stakeholder platform to foster collaboration and market-driven solutions, and collaborate on private sector-led commercial investments for economic growth. Together, we can build resilient and sustainable food systems, empower smallholder farmers, and shape a prosperous future for agriculture in Papua New Guinea through collaborative endeavors
  1. Establishing Sustainable Agricultural Growth Corridors

Enhance version photo Page 7.JPG

2.  Enhancing Incomes and Climate Resilience


3.  Creating an Inclusive Environment for Small Businesses

All Hands In

4. Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration

Image by Towfiqu barbhuiya

5. Private Sector-Led Commercial Investments


6.  Building Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems


7.  Empowering Smallholder Farmers


8. Collaborative Endeavors

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